Cloud Appliance
- What is GC Cloud Appliance?
GC Cloud Appliance is lighter software implementation of the lighter GCE except without the need of physical hardware. The cloud appliance will run on public cloud service providers like AWS, Azure, IBM, Google Cloud, Alibaba Cloud and partner hosted cloud. - What is the difference between AWS Cloud Appliance and CSP Hosted Appliance?
AWS Cloud Appliance is available in AWS marketplace. AWS customer will pay AWS of the usage of VM and GCE appliance. CSP hosted appliance are hosted by different local partners. Customers pay to CSP for the usage of the cloud appliance. - What is the difference between GCE Hardware appliance and Cloud appliance?
GCE hardware appliance has full features and capabilities of GCE. Cloud appliance has file size limits and max number of users. Cloud appliance does not has some of the enterprise features like OTP, multiple storage connectors. - Can CSP white label the cloud appliance?
Not at this moment. - How much is the cloud appliance?
Pls contact the CSP partner. - What is the software support for GC cloud appliance?
GC end user clients are fully supported by Inspire-Tech via online. Customers should contact CSP for premium support. - Can we host the cloud appliance on premise?
Not at this moment. - Where is my data hosted?
In AWS, you can choose the location of the VM. Most CSP will have the data hosted on same country of operation. We encourage you to contact CSP directly to verify. - What is the minimum contract?
There is no fixed contractual period. In AWS, the commitment can be in hours. CSP may offers special bundle with some contract.
Hardware Appliance
- What is GigaCentral Enterprise?
GigaCentral Enterprise is a hardware appliance that has preloaded GigaCentral software. The appliance is pretested with user load expectation and includes all the GigaCentral license and web support for end customer. - Why do I need GigaCentral Enterprise?
File servers are central for enterprise to store and collaborate. However most outdated file servers are un-patched and vulnerable. The recent WannaCry outbreak was mainly driven by SMB weakness. GigaCentral enterprise modern designed file servers that empowers enterprise to have similar network drive behaviour using secure HTTPS. In addition, end users can collaborate with internal and external users. They can also accessed internal documents securely via mobile applications. - What can I used GigaCentral Enterprise for?
GigaCentral Enterprise also offers secure file sharing and mobile access. - Can GigaCentral Enterprise removes ransomware from my infected system?
GigaCentral Enterprise is not anti virus and will not able to remove the malware. GigaCentral Enterprise can recover your infected files through restore. - Why is GigaCentral Enterprise unique?
It is probably first of its kind to merger Enterprise File Sync and Share with Backup/Restore into a single product. This unique capability ensures users be productive (collaborate and share) during peace time and defend against loss of data in the event of disaster (e.g. ransomware). - Where are my document stored?
Your documents are stored locally and you have an option to turn the cloud sync. - Which cloud does GigaCentral Enterprise supports?
GigaCentral Enterprise supports AWS, Microsoft Azure, Alibaba, Google Cloud and Openstack Swift. - Is GigaCentral Enterprise a subscription base or a one-time payment?
It is one time for the hardware appliance. The cloud sync is additional paid component.